Thursday, December 2, 2010

10 Literary Devices From Life of Pi

"These are animals we haven't stopped by."
(Page 41)

"A streak of black and orange flowed from one cage to the next."
(Page 39)

Dramatic Irony
"But he can't be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim. It's impossible. He must choose."
(Page 76)

"But one thing is clear: atman seeks to realize Brahman, to be united with the Absolute, and it travels in this life on a pilgrimage where it is born and dies, and is born again, and dies again, and again, and again, until it manages to shed the sheaths that imprison it here below."
(Page 53-54)

"That a big, black, tropical cat managed to survive for more than two months in a Swiss winter without being seen by anyone, let alone attacking anyone, speaks plainly to the fact that escaped zoo animals are not dangerous absconding criminals but simply wild creatures seeking to fit in."
(Page 46)

"My name is Piscine Molitor Patel."
(Page 24)

"I imagined it beckoned the Muslim faithful to the mosque, much like bells summoned us Christians to church."
(Page 65)

"His hand went BOOM BOOM BOOM on my head."
(Page 63)

"Yes, it was all forcefully brought to the attention of my bemused parents. You see, they didn`t know. They didn`t know that I was practising Hindu, Christian and Muslim."`
(Page 71)

"Is that so? Well, a whole lot of good it did God to be with you--you tried to kill him! You banged him to a cross with great big nails."
(Page 74)

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